ARPDC Professional Development Resources
Dedicated to ongoing professional learning at the local, regional and provincial level.

Explore professional development resources found on featured ERLC and ARPDC websites.

Explore professional development resources found on featured ARPDC websites.

TIP: Some of these websites have their own search functions. Please look for additional resources to support specific areas of professional learning.

Supporting Intervention Instruction

This site is designed to support intervention instruction that is underway in Alberta classrooms in response to unfinished learning that teachers are observing as a result of COVID-19 interruptions.

Essential Learning Outcomes

This website aims to provide clarity as to the potential Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) at current and previous grade levels.

 Indigenous Culture Based Learning in Alberta Curriculum

This website shares documents for Grades 1 to 6 English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Math that help teachers infuse Indigenous knowledge into curriculum.

Central Alberta Regional Collaborative Service Delivery (CA RCSD)

The Central Alberta Regional Collaborative Service Delivery (CA RCSD) is a cross-ministry collaborative approach to planning services for children and youth in the central Alberta region.

Thinking Strategies

This resource is a companion to the Thinking Strategies Placemat. It was created with the principles of quality instruction and formative assessment in mind as well as intentionally incorporating language tied to literacy, numeracy and competency development as required by Alberta Education.

Launch into EdTech

This site provides educational technology learning outcomes and strategies, a wealth of digital and print resources and go-to sites for professional learning. Each of the sections offers teachers and students the opportunity to evolve their knowledge, skills, and attitudes in utilizing technology, online resources, and digital resources in the learning environment.


Mental Health: Understanding for Educators

What is Mental Health and how is it different from Mental Illness are common questions for educators. The information on this site will help you, your students and your families to understand the answers to these common questions.

L'immersion en Alberta - un programme vivant

This website is designed to support K-9 French Immersion teachers. The site highlights how to foster French culture in the classroom and school, and provides guidelines for literacy instruction in French, technology tools in French, including supports for French Immersion Administrators.


The EAL Toolkit: Strategies and Resources for Teachers

This website is an updated version of our previous work supporting – the previous ELL focused site can be found in the table of contents as “archived”

The site includes information supporting: Intake, Language Acquisition, Culturally Responsive Practices, Planning for Language Development, Language Routines, Proficiency, Tech tools, and Assessment.

Engaging All Learners

Educators need new ways of thinking about how to engage and better meet the learning needs of all students. This collection of professional learning resources can be used to build educator capacity through self-study, in-school professional learning communities, and district-wide learning opportunities.


Empowering the Spirit

This website will provide opportunities to expand your understanding of First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives and gain tools and strategies to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit and all students’ success in your community.

First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Professional Learning

The First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Professional Learning website provides educators with supports and tools to design and facilitate professional learning. It offers curricular resources that build capacity, engage learners, and build paths toward reconciliation through education.

Communities of Practice

This resource offers a collection of information, strategies and examples to support school and district leaders, professional development providers, and educational consultants who want to create and support effective communities of practices for K-12 educators.

Learning Technologies

The information on this website is for teachers, learning coaches, and others who want to know more about how educational and assistive technologies (learning technologies) can support students in their classrooms.

Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities

Offers information, research-based instructional approaches, effective instructional and learning strategies to support professionals working to meet the literacy and communication needs of students with significant disabilities, including those with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities, complex communication needs, and multiple disabilities including deaf/blindness and/or physical access challenges.

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction creates learning environments that maximize opportunities and potential for the success of ALL students, regardless of background, skills, interests and abilities.

Literacy for All

This website provides information and resources for teachers in Alberta who want to learn more about literacy instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities and models what an online community of practice for teachers could look like.

Essential Conditions

Development of this guide was founded on the shared belief that successful implementation requires the coordinated, collaborative, and comprehensive efforts of education partners working together towards a shared vision of learning success for all students.It offers guiding questions to support implementation planning that intentionally addresses seven conditions.

Creating Numeracy Rich Environments

Creating a numeracy rich environment involves a variety of strategies.

Numeracy for All

This website provides information and resources for grade 1-6 teachers in Alberta who want to learn more about mathematics instruction and numeracy development for students with significant disabilities and provides a model of what an online community of practice for teachers could look like.

Moving Forward with High School Redesign

Moving Forward with High School Redesign will build on what was learned from the High School Flexibility Enhancement Pilot Project and other High School Completion work to bring to life the vision and policy shifts articulated in Inspiring Education, including enhanced teacher practice, increased student engagement, and improved student achievement.

Learning for All

This resource offers information, strategies and references for school leaders and teachers working with students with significant disabilities. The content  is organized around four key themes: Instructional Planning Peer Supports Rethinking Educational Assistants Transition Planning, with a focus on post school, self-determination, assistive technologies, and communication.

Career and Technology Foundations

CTF supports flexible, interdisciplinary learning where students explore interests and passions while making personal connections to career possibilities and technologies associated with various Career and Technology Studies (CTS) occupational areas. The site contains Ministry Resources, Field Resources, PBL Resources, Challenges and more.

Elementary Mathematics Professional Learning

Elementary Math Professional Learning is a project designed to enhance teacher understanding of math content, conceptual relationships, instructional practices, formative assessment practices, and teacher-parent communication.