Working Together to Support Mental Health in Alberta Schools
Understanding and promoting positive mental health in schools is a shared responsibility of parents, educators and community partners. A comprehensive and coordinated approach is the best way to promote positive mental health.
Mental Health e-Connect: Promising Practices from Across the Province
Mental Health e-Connect is a bimonthly e-newsletter to support the implementation of the Working Together to Support Mental Health in Alberta Schools resource. Mental Health e-Connect is a platform for sharing examples of the fantastic work happening in Alberta schools to support mental wellness for all learners. Exchanging stories from around the province will forge common understandings and support your work in building the conditions necessary to support every learner’s mental wellness in your school systems. current and previous issues here:
Edmonton Catholic Schools Mental Health Strategic Plan: School Conversation Guides
How can your school implement a whole-school approach to create a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that supports the positive mental health of students? A whole-school approach recognizes that all aspects of the school community impact students’ mental health and well-being, and that learning and mental health are inextricably linked. Through a strength-based approach, schools can move their focus from the prevention of specific problems to a more positive, holistic view of child and youth development.
The Conversation Guides / Videos will allow you and your school staff the opportunity to further a conversation around how to support student mental health through a comprehensive, strengths based approach.
EICS Connections Project with Dr. Jody Carrington
Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) has launched The Connections Project, a positive mental health initiative to support staff and students. In collaboration and under the leadership of Dr. Jody Carrington, EICS has focused on building a common understanding around attachment theory, emotional regulation and relationship building. The four Learning Guides explores key messages that strengthen relationships and provides strategies to support social-emotional needs of students in our schools.
Recognizing and Reporting when Students Need Help
A School’s Role in Keeping our Kids Safe
Reporting suspected child abuse can be very stressful. Knowing what signs to look for, how to ask questions if needed and what to expect when you report can help make this difficult situation more manageable. Prolonged exposure to traumatic events, such as abuse or neglect, can negatively impact the developing brain. Recognizing and reporting a student’s need for help are the first steps on their journey to safety, hope and healing. This video, conversation guide and suspect abuse card were collaboratively developed to build the confidence of all school staff to know what to do when child abuse is suspected.
For further information, please contact: