ARPDC Professional Development Resources
Dedicated to ongoing professional learning at the local, regional and provincial level.

Project-Based Learning Guide

Students engaged in strongly crafted Project-Based Learning opportunities are better prepared to build knowledge and understand the world (Bereiter 2002). Project-Based Learning has the potential to transform learning environments, where the role of the teacher shifts from knowledge dispenser to that of a facilitator of learning. The teacher supports students in asking complex questions and then finding, choosing, understanding, synthesizing and communicating solutions to their questions. This kind of learning builds students’ skills and competencies to experience success in an increasingly complex society.

Project-Based Learning is one way to achieve the goals of the Alberta Programs of Study and also aligns with the directions outlined in Alberta Education’s Draft Teaching Quality Standard and the Ministerial Order on Student Learning.

This learning guide is designed for teachers, learning coaches and school leaders. It explains how to design and engage students in projects that begin with inquiry and end with a product, performance, or service that is shared with an authentic audience. This guide is intended to be used as a toolkit, rather than a step-by-step prescription.
