ARPDC Professional Development Resources
Dedicated to ongoing professional learning at the local, regional and provincial level.

Multiplication and Division – The Landscape of Learning with Cathy Fosnot

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Multiplication and Division - The Landscape of Learning

Using digital video of children at work in grade 3-5 classrooms, the development of the big ideas, strategies, and models related to a deep understanding of multiplication and division was examined during an in person session. These were placed on a “landscape of learning” – a learning trajectory that participants can use in planning instruction and assessing. We also examined ways to use contexts and mini-lessons to support development. This webinar is designed to allow participants to “continue the conversation” with Cathy Fosnot.

This is good for a group of teachers to listen together and discuss.

Length: 1:27:13


Presenter Slides

About the Facilitator

Catherine Twomey Fosnot is a Professor of Education at the City College of New York and Director of Mathematics in the City, a national center for professional development. She has authored or co-authored many books and articles on mathematics education, most recently the Young Mathematicians at Work series and the accompanying professional development materials funded by NSF. The AERA SIG on Constructivism has twice awarded her their “significant contribution” award.