Instructional Coaching with Jim Knight
Instructional Coaching for Coaches: Intensive Learning Teams
What skills and strategies do you need to support you in your role as a classroom instructional coach? In this professional learning series, Jim Knight provides an opportunity to share specific strategies and approaches that will allow for effective communications with your colleagues based on your role as an instructional coach. This series was planned for coaches/teams that have attended previous sessions with Jim. Topics were developed based on participants’ needs as indicated by their comments and feedback.
Length: 50:02
Webinar #1 – Instructional Coaching for Coaches: Strategies to Facilitate Successful Instructional Coaching
Webinar #3 – Instructional Coaching for Principals: How Principals Can Support Coaches and Vice Versa
About the Facilitator
Jim Knight is a research associate at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. He has spent more than a decade studying instructional coaching. Jim’s articles on instructional coaching have been included in publications such as The Journal of Staff Development, Principal Leadership, and The School Administrator, and he has written two books on instructional coaching: Instructional Coaching: A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction, and Coaching Classroom Management, written with Randy Sprick, Wendy Reinke, and Tricia McCale. Jim is frequently asked to guide professional learning for instructional coaches and has presented and consulted in more than 35 states, most Canadian provinces, and in Japan. He has also won several university teaching and innovation awards.