Creating Projects with a First Nations, Métis or Inuit Focus
When teachers engage students in project-based learning, students experience a way of learning that, if done well, reflects Indigenous ways of knowing. Project-based learning is a way of learning that is “time-generous”, rather than time-limited, is an approach that is cooperative rather than competitive, incorporates a holistic approach, encourages observation, is experiential, is based in community, and considers multiple perspectives.” (Our Words, Our Ways, pg. 56.)
Creating projects that focus on deepening awareness and understanding of First Nations, Métis or Inuit culture and/or history strongly aligns with the directions outlined in Alberta Education’s Draft Teaching Quality Standard and Ministerial Order on Student Learning.
This learning guide is designed for teachers, learning coaches and school leaders. It explains how to design and engage students in projects that begin with inquiry and end with a product, performance or service that is shared with an authentic audience. This guide is intended to be used as a toolkit, rather than as a step-by-step prescription.