Dedicated to ongoing professional learning at the local, regional and provincial level.
Our professional learning resources support teachers and school leaders in the development of and commitment to teaching excellence, and the provision of optimum learning for all students.
The Teaching Quality Standard : Quality teaching occurs when the teacher's ongoing analysis of the context, and the teacher's decisions about which pedagogical knowledge and abilities to apply, result in optimum learning for all students.
The Leadership Quality Standard : Quality leadership occurs when the leader's ongoing analysis of the context, and decisions about what leadership knowledge and abilities to apply, result in quality teaching and optimum learning for all students in the school.
Teaching Quality Standard Competencies
Adhere to professional responsibilities means that you understand and adhere to legal frameworks and policies. You adhere to professional responsibilities when you:
Understand Alberta legislated, moral and ethical frameworks
Are aware of and respond to requirements authorized under the School Act, other relevant legislation and policies of the school authority
Recognize that your professional practice is bound by standards of conduct
Search more specifically using keywords such as School Act, learning commons.
Apply knowledge of First Nations, Métis and Inuit means that you develop and apply foundational knowledge and support the process of reconciliation. You apply knowledge of First Nations, Métis and Inuit for the benefit of all students when you:
Understand historical social, economic and political implications
Use programs of study to provide opportunities for all students
Use resources that accurately reflect and demonstrate the strength and diversity of First Nations, Métis and Inuit
Use Find to focus on First Nations, Métis, Inuit; inclusive education; understanding and valuing diversity; welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments.
Demonstrate professional knowledge means that you apply a current and comprehensive repertoire of teaching and learning strategies to meet the learning needs of every student. You plan and design learning activities that:
Address programs of study
Reflect short, medium and long range planning
Consider and implement a range of instructional strategies
Understand and apply student assessment and evaluation practices
Use Find to focus on assessment; literacy; numeracy; competencies; technology integration; curriculum; inclusive education. Search for specific curricular areas using subject area keywords.
Search more specifically for pedagogical practices using keywords such as inquiry; citizenship; differentiated instruction; instructional practices.
Engage in career-long learning means that you commit to professional learning and continuous improvement. You identify areas for professional growth and build capacity and expertise when you:
Critically reflect on your teaching practice
Collaborate with other teachers
Seek feedback
Seek, understand and apply educational research
Maintain awareness of emerging technologies
Enhance understanding of First Nations, Métis and Inuit worldviews, cultural beliefs, language, values
Support student success in inclusive learning environments
Use Find to focus on communities of practice; inclusive education; technology integration; First Nations, Métis and Inuit. Search more specifically using keywords such as essential conditions; communities of practice.
Establish inclusive learning environments means that you embrace diversity and ensure every student feels welcome, safe, cared for and respected. You establish, promote and sustain inclusive learning environments when you:
Use supports to respond to students’ learning needs
Incorporate students’ personal and cultural strengths
Provide opportunities for student leadership
Use Find to focus on inclusive education; differentiated instruction; mental health; understanding and valuing diversity; welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments.
Search more specifically using keywords such as classroom management; emotional learning; FASD; gender equity; learning community; learning supports; positive behaviour; project based learning; response to intervention.
Foster effective relationships means that you build and foster relationships to support students. You foster effective relationships when you:
Demonstrate fairness, respect, integrity, empathy and caring
Support student learning through positive relationships
Recognize and practice appropriate local protocols to enhance relationships
Honour cultural diversity and promote intercultural understanding
Exercise shared commitment to the well-being of all students
Use Find to focus on collaborative practices; mental health; understanding and valuing diversity; welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments. Search more specifically using keywords such as coaches; learning community; safe and caring schools.
Leadership Quality Standard Competencies
Develop leadership capacity means that principals provide opportunities for members of the school community to develop leadership capacity and support others in fulfilling their educational roles. You develop leadership capacity when you:
Demonstrate consultative and collaborative decision-making that is informed by open dialogue and multiple perspectives
Identify, mentor and empower teachers
Promote the engagement of parents in the school council and facilitate the constructive involvement of the school council
Create opportunities for students to participate in leadership activities and exercise their voice
Promote team building and shared leadership among members of the school community
TIP Use Find to focus on leadership; collaborative practices; communities of practice. Search more specifically using keywords such as collaboration; collaborative partnerships; learning community; communities; partnerships; parents
Embody visionary leadership means that principals collaborate with the school community to create and implement the school’s shared vision for student success, engagement, learning and well-being. You embody visionary leadership when you:
Communicate, enact and apply a student-centred philosophy of education
Recognize the school community’s values and aspirations and demonstrate an appreciation for diversity
Collaborate with other principals and superintendents
Support school community members in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities
Promote innovation, enable positive change and foster commitment to continuous improvement
Access, share and use a range of date to determine the school community’s progress
Use Find to focus on leadership; assessment; inclusive education; collaborative practices; communities of practice; understanding and valuing diversity. Search more specifically using keywords such as improvement; essential conditions; learning community; partnerships; educational research; climate; school culture.
Foster effective relationships means that principals foster effective working relationships within the school community. You foster effective relationships when you:
Demonstrate fairness, respect, integrity, empathy and concern for others
Create a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment
Establish positive relationships and opportunities for active participation
Demonstrate a commitment to the health and well-being of all students
Model and promote open, collaborative dialogue
Communicate, facilitate and solve problems and deal with conflict
Establish relationships based on mutual trust
Use Find to focus on collaborative practices; mental health; understanding and valuing diversity; welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments; First Nations, Métis and Inuit. Search more specifically using keywords such as coaches; partnerships; safe and caring schools; learning community.
Lead learning communities means that principals nurture and sustain a school culture that values and supports learning. You lead a learning community when you:
Foster inclusive learning environments
Develop shared responsibility for the success of all students
Model life-long learning
Cultivate a culture of high expectations
Establish opportunities and expectations for positive involvement and collaborative learning
Create an environment for the safe and ethical use of technology
Use Find to focus on inclusive education; collaborative practices; communities of practice; mental health; technology integration; welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments. Search more specifically using keywords such as coaches, FASD; counselling; gender equity; essential conditions; learning community; learning supports; partnerships; positive behaviour; school culture.
Manage school operations and resources means that principals effectively direct school operations and manage resources. You manage school operations and resources effectively when you:
Identify and plan for areas of needs
Apply principles of effective teaching and learning, child development and ethical leadership to decisions
Align practices, procedures, policies, decisions and resources with the vision, goals and priorities
Follow though on decisions by allocating resources to provide the learning environments and supports needed to enable and improve student learning
Facilitate access to appropriate technology and digital learning environments
Align school operations with legislation, regulations, policies and practices
TIP Use Find to focus mental health; technology integration; welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments. Search more specifically using keywords such as educational technology; framework; policy; ministerial order.
Modeling commitment to professional learning means that principals engage in career-long professional learning and ongoing critical reflection. You identify opportunities to improve school leadership, teaching and learning when you:
Engage with teachers and other principals to build personal and collective professional capacities and expertise
Actively seek out feedback and information from a variety of sources
Seek, critically review and apply educational research to inform effective practice
Engage members of the school community to build shared understanding of current trends and priorities
TIP Use Find to focus on collaborative practices; communities of practice. Search more specifically using keywords such as educational research; essential conditions; collaborative practices.
Provide instructional leadership means that principals ensure every student has access to quality teaching and optimum learning experiences. You provide instructional leadership when you:
Build the capacity of teachers and facilitate access to resources, agencies and experts to respond to the learning needs of all students
Implement professional growth, supervision and evaluation processes
Demonstrate a strong understanding of effective pedagogy and curriculum
Facilitate technology use to support learning for all students
Ensure that student assessment and evaluation practices are fair, appropriate and balanced
Use a wide range of data to inform school practice and enable success for all students
Use Find to focus on specific curricular areas, assessment and technology integration.
Support knowledge of First Nations, Métis, Inuit means that principals support the acquisition and application of foundational knowledge and the process of reconciliation. You support the school community for the benefit of all students when you:
Understand historical social, economic and political implications
Enable and support the development of knowledge and understanding of First Nations, Métis and Inuit histories, cultures, languages, contributions, perspectives, experiences and current contexts
Use Find to focus on First Nations, Métis, Inuit; inclusive education; understanding and valuing diversity; welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments.
Understand and respond to societal contexts means that principals understand and adhere to political, social, economic, legal and cultural contexts that impact the school. You understand and respond to societal contexts when you:
Support the school community’s understanding of Alberta legislated, moral and ethical frameworks
Advocate for needs and interests of all students
Assess and respond to the local community context
Facilitate understanding of issues and trends related to education
Use Find to focus on communities of practice; high school redesign; mental health; understanding and valuing diversity. Search more specifically using keywords such as citizenship; educational research; gender equity; learning community; School Act; learning commons.